New Mexico becomes fourth state to enact a Clean Fuel Standard
New Mexico becomes fourth state to enact Clean Fuel Standards as governor signs legislation - Landmark legislation set to grow economy, reduce emissions.

Designing a Bipartisan Federal Clean Fuel Standard: Roundtable Takeaways
“As a policy tool for reducing CO2 emissions, roundtable participants thought an LCFS offered several advantages. One was effectiveness: Instead of the industry making voluntary commitments, all fuel producers would have incentives and obligations to reduce their emissions... Participants also noted that an LCFS would help transition the fuels industry, which is currently supported by various subsidies, to a polluter pays model. Some attendees also emphasized the opportunity to build on incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act to create incentives including long-term demand for clean energy technologies with minimal federal resources.
In short, participants saw an LCFS as a valuable tool that offers various strategic policy benefits, albeit not as the sole solution for broader decarbonization efforts.

Commentary: A national clean fuel standard would benefit the environment and public health
We need a federal fuel policy that prioritizes not just emissions reductions but also American innovation, consumer choice and energy independence.

RFA President & CEO calls for a Clean fuel standard
Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper calls on policymakers to adopt technology-neutral approaches that embrace a diverse portfolio of low-carbon transportation options in his keynote address at the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop.

Rep. Tonko Calls for a National Clean Fuel Standard
On June 22, 2023, the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, & Critical Materials held a hearing on domestic fuels policy titled, “Driving Affordability: Preserving People’s Freedom to Buy Affordable Vehicles and Fuel.” During the Q&A portion of the hearing, subcommittee Ranking Member Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) called on his colleagues to work on a national Clean Fuel Standard.

AJW facilitates the DriveClean US Initiative to support a national clean fuel standard. DriveClean represents a wide array of stakeholders deeply invested in reducing emissions from transportation fuels using a technology-neutral approach.
We applaud the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for their hearing on February 15, 2023, which opened the federal dialogue on “The Future of Low Carbon Transportation Fuels and Considerations for a National Clean Fuels Program.”

Driving energy independence with clean transportation fuels
The United States has been on a quest for energy independence for decades, and while we as a nation have made progress, more work remains - especially as we tackle net-zero emissions goals to avoid the worst of climate change and transition our economy to be powered by clean energy.

Cap-and-trade takes effect in Washington state
Two major climate-related laws took effect this week in Washington state: a new cap-and-trade program and a clean fuel standard.
Under the clean fuel standard, fuel producers and importers must reduce the "carbon intensity" of transportation fuel by 20% over the next 15 years. (via Axios)

Flipping the Script on OPEC
American consumers are still largely dependent on foreign oil as we were 15 years ago. President Biden’s decision last week to release 15 million more barrels of oil from the federal Strategic Petroleum Reserve only underscores the devastating economic impacts of high gasoline and diesel prices.
To change the script we need a different story line and a new cast of characters. A new coalition our companies are participating in offers one realistic solution; fueling our economy with a Clean Fuel Standard. (via Real Clear Energy)

Groups lobby Congress to create national clean fuel standard
An initiative representing utilities, renewable fuel producers, environmentalists, electric vehicle charging companies and other interests is calling on the next Congress to pass legislation creating a national clean fuel standard. (via Washington Post)

Lights out for puerto rico, again
The coalition is calling for lawmakers to pass legislation in the next Congress creating a federal standard that would decarbonize the transportation sector by setting schedule for gradually reducing the carbon intensity of transportation fuel sources.
Several states have already enacted similar policies and the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee discussed the merits of those policies earlier this year. (via Politico Morning Energy)

Group launches effort to create 'low-carbon fuel' standard
A coalition representing environmentalists, biofuels and electric vehicles is starting a new push to implement a low-carbon fuel standard for the transportation sector.
The DriveClean coalition is launching Monday with a call to lawmakers and the public for a “technology-neutral” clean fuel law that would mandate reductions in the greenhouse gas intensity of transportation fuels. It would give credit to EV charging, biofuels and other means of reducing emissions. (via E&E News)

Electrify every vehicle? Hold on, say clean fuel backers
Advocates of a national clean fuel standard say it would help cut transportation-sector emissions as electrification ramps up. (via ClimateWire)

DriveClean initiative launches, advocates for national CFS
A diverse group of clean fuel stakeholders, including several biofuel producers, on Sept. 19 launched the DriveClean initiative, which is urging lawmakers to create a market-based technology-neutral national Clean Fuel Standard during the 118th Congress that convenes in January.
As part of its advocacy efforts, the CleanDrive initiative has unveiled a website, DriveClean.us. The group has also published a statement of principles aimed at lawmakers. (via Biodiesel Magazine)

Moving Stepwise Toward State Clean Fuel Standards
Movement towards state clean fuel standards in the Midwest inspired by a broader regional vision continues, albeit slowly.
While Minnesota was the first, it isn’t the only Midwestern state to consider a clean fuels policy. Nebraska is furthest along in considering how such a policy might look. Ohio is another state in a pretty early stage of considering a clean fuels policy (via Ethanol Producer)